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improperly configured at /accounts/login/

In order to simulate sdn networks i downloaded the mini net 64 bit version and imported it in vmware Workstation pro 12 and through github all the project related stuff have been installed but the thing is when i wanna run it i encounter an error , do you think it’s because of the mysql not being configured with Django?

Where is, installed with yum?

I have a combo of Centos 6-Apache-Passenger-Ruby. Install was made following instructions here. I also have whm, which means changes to httpd.conf must be made by click. While trying to include /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf, tells me there is an error because: Cannot load /usr/local/apache/modules/ into server. Problem is this line at /etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf: Last part of the sentence should point to actual,

G++ cannot resolve paths when called from subprocess

I am writing a small python script to for automatic student homework evaluation. I have a skeleton, where submitted homework is unzipped into a temporary folder and my script is called with path to the temporary folder as an argument. My script first copies over some extra files I need and then tries to compile c++ code roughly like this:

Why is execvp() executing twice using fork()?

I am implementing a shell. When attempting a command other than changing directories, execvp() runs, the child terminates and a new child is created. When I change directories, the child does not terminate and a new child is created. Here is a sample of my code: cd ../; ls; runs correctly, except I have to Ctrl+D twice to end the

How to execute a shell script using CMake post_build?

How to execute a shell script using CMake? The command that should be run is my_script that should be executed after build. The CMakeLists.txt DISCLAIMER Yes, there are similar questions in SO here, here, here, etc; however, they don’t give me a clear vision how this can be achieved. Answer You are invoking CMake with it’s command-line tool mode which

hard-coded bin path and NixOS

When I try to do a manual source install of some software on NixOS 15.09, I get (sh -x is to get an exec log): And indeed there is no bash program in /bin/ However when I inspect the script I dont see any mention of it so it must be some subprogram looking for it. As an aside, I
