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200,000 images in single folder in linux, performance issue or not?

I have a php/mysql website with over 200,000 images in single folder (linux server). I don’t think, that I will never need to see them in file explorer, instead they will be viewed on website on their individual pages. They are just displayed in product page on website. File system is ext3. so is it wise to save them in single folder? can it slow down the site’s performance?



Ext3 uses tree to hold directory contents, so its capability to handle a large number of files in a single directory is better than that of those file systems with linear directory listings. Here you can read the description of the tree used to keep directory contents.

However, 200K files is still a huge number. It’s reasonable to move them into subdirectories based on first n characters of file names. This approach lets you keep only file names and not directory names, and when you need to access the file, you know where (in which subdirectory) to look for it.
