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Tag: linux-kernel

Is there a way to understand that Linux system will not provide any TX timestamp?

I am exercising Linux timestamping functionality (TX part): It looks like there is no easy way to understand that the system will never provide me with TX timestamps at runtime. It means that I can enable TX timestamping via setsockopt without an error: even on a system which does not support TX timestamps at all. And then I can

Test filesystem stability / filesystem crash [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 months ago. Improve this question Newbie here!! Is there any way to crash filesystem or overload a filesystem so that it will get crash? I want to check at what

Like nvidia-smi, can nvidia-occupancy(cuda occupancy) also collect values in real time?

I already collect timestream data once every 10 seconds using nvidia-smi. nvidia-occupancy would also like to collect data in this way. Is there any way to save nvidia-occupancy timeseries data using linux terminal? Currently, the values that can be easily obtained were only the maximum values. Answer Currently, there isn’t any tool to collect occupancy information the way nvidia-smi collects

Scheduling multiple tasklets in linux

I am new to tasklets in Linux. Here I am scheduling 3 tasklets in ISR. But what I observed is that only one tasklet in executed. fill_buf is tasklet_struct and Linux version is 5.10.63. Answer You are scheduling the same tasklet three times in a row, but a tasklet can only be scheduled again if it has already run (or

Why are linux system calls different across architectures

According to this system calls table, linux system calls are different across architecture, but IMO syscalls are higher level encapsulation which do not depent on any specific architechture. Why is it designed this way? In a specific case, riscv64 linux doesn’t have mkdir, instead it has mkdirat, but weirdly it doesn’t have rmdir or rmdirat, how could it implement /bin/rmdir

Get user’s group from linux kernel driver

I’m developing a simple pipe kernel driver as an excercise for university, and my task states that users from each user group should have access to their own separate pipe. But I can’t find how to get group of the user who opened my driver file. I have functon static int pipe_open(struct inode *i, struct file *f) which receives arguments
