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Tag: windows

Cross-Platform Installer paths

I’m writing an installer for a Python app I’m making, and needed to have paths for different file locations. These are what I have so far, and so wondered if these were correct of if I should change any of them (particularly the Linux/macOS ones) I have a path for: the actual binary for the config file the README the

RewriteCond works sometimes

This is my code on /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/dynamic-vhosts.conf: My problem is, in some cases it’s force to HTTPS, but in other cases it’s not. Example: On some desktops browsers, it’s redirect to HTTPS, but on mobile browsers or on others desktops/servers browsers, it’s not. Anybody can help me? Answer Try this, but I am not so sure that this will fix your

Cannot compile Makefile using make command on Windows

Problem summary I am trying to install an open-source parallel finite-element code called TACS and available at this github repository. To comply with the indicated prerequisites, I followed the instructions at this github repository, which allowed me to install SuiteSparse and METIS on Windows with precompiled BLAS/LAPACK DLLs. For the MPI, I installed both the Intel MPI Library and Open

Simulate Right CTRL key using xdotool inside Virtual box

I’m running Virtualbox in my Windows 10. I have a virtual machine running Raspbian. Inside Raspbian virtual machine, i’m using xdotool. From Raspbian, using xdotool, can i simulate to press Right Ctrl that it is my host key in VirtualBox so i can change the size of my VirtualBox-window?. I mean from Raspbian that it is a virtual machine from
