I want to run a program (when executed it produces logdata) out of a shell script and write the output into a text file. I failed to do so :/
$prog is the executed prog -> socat /dev/ttyUSB0,b9600 STDOUT
$log/$FILE is just path to a .txt file
I had a Perl script to do this:
open (S,$prog) ||die "Cannot open $prog ($!)n"; open (R,">>","$log") ||die "Cannot open logfile $log!n"; while (<S>) { my $date = localtime->strftime('%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;'); print "$date$_"; }
I tried to do this in a shell script like this
#!/bin/sh FILE=/var/log/mylogfile.log SOCAT=/usr/bin/socat DEV=/dev/ttyUSB0 BAUD=,b9600 PROG=$SOCAT $DEV$BAUD STDOUT exec 3<&0 exec 0<$PROG while read -r line do DATE=`date +%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;` echo $DATE$line >> $FILE done exec 0<&3
Doesn’t work at all…
How do I read the output of that prog and pipe it into my text file using a shell script? What did I do wrong (if I didn’t do everything wrong)?
Final code:
#!/bin/sh FILE=/var/log/mylogfile.log SOCAT=/usr/bin/socat DEV=/dev/ttyUSB0 BAUD=,b9600 CMD="$SOCAT $DEV$BAUD STDOUT" $CMD | while read -r line do echo "$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')$line" >> $FILE done
To read from a process, use process substitution
exec 0< <( $PROG )
doesn’t support it, so use /bin/bash
To assign several words to a variable, quote or backslash whitespace:
Semicolon is special in shell, quote it or backslash it:
DATE=$(date '+%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')
Moreover, no exec’s are needed:
while ... ... done < <( $PROG )
You might even add > $FILE
after done
instead of adding each line separately to the file.