I’ve downloaded a youtube playlist with youtube-dl is there any way i can rename the files i’ve downloaded to the appended id of the file in playlist.
e.g. now
- xyz.mp4
- abc.mkv
- 1 – xyz.mp4
- 2 – abc.mkv
(which is according to the number in the youtube playlist)
If the files are sortable by date (check if the following produces the right output):
i=1; ls -1trd * | while read -r filename; do echo $i' - '"$filename"; i="$(( i + 1 ))"; done
Then this will rename them. NO UNDO FUNCTION FOR THIS
i=1; ls -1trd * | while read -r filename; do mv -vb "$filename" $i' - '"$filename"; i="$(( i + 1 ))"; done