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awk the previous and current line only if equal to string

I have the following lines in a file


I want to get the previous and current line, only if it start with albi. Means, output should look like:


I tried the below, but looks I’m missing something:




Assuming you do need to test “shush” as in your script, all you were doing wrong is trying to reference an awk variable as $var (shell syntax) instead of just var (awk, C, etc. syntax):


You also have undesirable *s at the end of your regexps (which I assume you think mean “any other chars” but that’s shell globbing syntax, not regexp syntax where * means repetitions of the previous character or expression) which I’ve removed above and were using string "..." instead of regexp /.../ delimiters but neither of those things was causing your script to fail.

You can get the output you show without testing shush though with either of these (or various other possibilities) depending on your requirements for the rainy day cases like back to back lines containing albi, etc.:

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