I have a script that will give the percent of logins that are mine. This is done by matching all users, store to variable, then match me only (jdoe). I then use a basic operation to get the percent of logins that are mine. I get the error:
./loginPercent: line 13: eCount / totalCount: division by 0 (error token is "t")
It seems that the variables in my awk code are not being “remembered” outside the awk’s scope. How can I rewrite the script to make those variables global?
#!/usr/bin/bash last >> temp #Create a temp file that is filled with the last command output awk 'BEGIN { totalCount=0;} $1 ~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/ {totalCount++; } #match anyone END { print "Number of times anyone has logged in:",totalCount;}' temp awk 'BEGIN { eCount=0;} $1 ~ /jdoe/ {eCount++; } # match me END { print "Number of times I have logged in:",eCount;}' temp echo $eCount echo $totalCount myPercent=$((eCount / totalCount)) echo $myPercent rm temp #remove temp file so it doesn't change erroneously answers next time program is run
EDIT: It might be worth noting that I made a temporary file to store the results of “last” command to run the awk tests on.
Assign the output of awk to a variable, e.g:
foo=$(awk '$1 ~ /[0-9]/ { count++ ;} END { print count } ' file) bar=$(awk '$1 ~ /[0-9]/ { count++ ;} END { print count } ' secondfile)
Use expr to calculate the variables:
expr $foo / $bar