txt file called without_Commas.txt
. The content looks like this:
User1 = dsa jhg asfd User2 = ikjl retzg User3 = ölkjdshf ... User400 = gt345 234gt 7fgd zhju ertzui
I need to format this data to look like this:
User1 dsa User1 jhg User1 asdf User2 ikjl User2 retzg User3 ölkjdshf ... User400 gt345 User400 234gt User400 7fgd User400 zhju User400 ertzui
Is there a way to do this?
Kind Regards Elias
awk '{for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++) print $1, $i}' without_Commas.txt > output.txt
On each line, this loops over all the field numbers starting with the third field. Then it prints the first field ($1
) followed by the current field in the loop ($i