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Bash jq with dynamic name

I’m trying to create a script to read the return code from a json from a curl command.

my curl command is:

curl -sk ' Index&indicator=http_httpCode&plugin=xxx' | jq '.'

The json output is:

  "device": "mydevice",
  "object": "http--HTTP_v6_Global ",
  "object_descr": "HTTP download of",
  "indicator": "http_httpCode",
  "indicator_descr": null,
  "plugin": "xxx",
  "starttime": 1650468121,
  "endtime": 1650468421,
  "data": {
    "1650468248": {
      "http_httpCode#HTTP Code": 200

How can read the value "http_httpCode#HTTP Code" if 1650468248 is a dynamic value?



You could use to_entries so you can use .value to target the ‘unknown’ key:

jq '.data | to_entries | first | .value."http_httpCode#HTTP Code"'

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Another approach by just ‘looping over everything’ either with .. or .[]:

jq '.data | .. | ."http_httpCode#HTTP Code"? // empty'

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jq '.data | .[]."http_httpCode#HTTP Code"'

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They all return 200

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