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Bash: process all files in a directory

How would I apply a logic to all files in a directory and pipe the final output of each input file to a separate file? Something like below

cut -d, -f2 input1.csv | awk 'END{print NR}' > input1_count.csv

(actual command is long, but I used above for simplicity to better understand the logic to all the files in a directory)



You can use a for-loop over the filenames:

shopt -s nullglob # enable nullglob
for f in *.csv; do
   cut -d, -f2 "$f" | awk 'END{print NR}' > "${f%.csv}_count.csv"
shopt -u nullglob # disable nullglob

The glob pattern *.csv expands to a null string with nullglob enabled (instead of a literal and probably non-existing filename *.csv). In the loop, apply the pipeline of commands to each filename and redirect the output to a new filename.

The parameter expansion ${f%.csv} removes the shortest suffix pattern .csv from the filename.

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