I’m currently calling the main python file in larval function, and inside that main python file I’m calling another 2 files ( PowerShell and sub python file) the problem is when the Laravel function is triggered it only call the main python file, however when I call the main python file using terminal all the files are executed like below:
Laravel function:
public function initialize(Request $request) { $store_name = $request->get('store_name', 1); if (empty($store_name)) { return 'Missing store name'; } else { $processes = File::get("/root/flask/android_api/processes.txt"); File::put('/root/flask/android_api/url.txt', $store_name ); $process = new Process(['python3.6', '/root/flask/android_api/buildAPK.py']); $process->run(); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { throw new ProcessFailedException($process); } else { return 'Starting the processes to build'; } } }
and within the main python file I have:
try: p = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/pwsh", "/root/flask/android_api/set_apk_builder.ps1", '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted', './buildxml.ps1'], stdout=sys.stdout) p.communicate() except: file = open ("/root/flask/android_api/log.txt", "w") file.write ("fail") file.close() import slack // call(["python", "/root/flask/flask.py"]) os.system('python3.7 /root/flask/flask.py')
now I changed the build to be direct from laravel function to generate the apk using this command:
public function initialize(Request $request) { $store_name = $request->get('store_name', 1); if (empty($store_name)) { return 'Missing store name'; } else { return shell_exec('cd /var/www/html/androidProject && chmod +x gradlew && ./gradlew assembledemoDebug'); } }
however, the command line returns the Gradle command build is starting but it doesn’t create a folder and generate the apk
the Current folder structure /var/www/html and inside html is the project folder and laravel project
note: before I call Gradle build command inside Laravel function, I used to call python file and that python file is calling Gradle command but I had the same issue the apk is not created, but when I run the same python file from bash command it works fine
There are 2 ways you can accomplish this:
The first is to include your commands into a .sh file that you should make it executable using this command:
chmod +x file.sh
Then you should call that file from laravel using Symfony process so you can get details of the log process and errors:
use SymfonyComponentProcessProcess; use SymfonyComponentProcessExceptionProcessFailedException;
$process = new Process('sh /folder_name/file_name.sh'); $process->run(); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { throw new ProcessFailedException($process); } echo $process->getOutput();
Then include all commands in that file you wish to run.
Second you can run those commands using
$output = shell_exec('ls -lart'); then echo "<pre>$output</pre>";
You’ll need to move all your writable files into public directory in Laravel, because that’s where everything should be editable.’=
I actually suggest the first one as you don’t need to change owner of some folders to www-data to give write permissions.