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C strip html between

How can i strip the HTML from document between and including the <…> tags in a HTML document using C? My current program uses curl to get the contents of the webpage and puts it into a text file, it then reads from the text file and removes the <>, but i am unsure of how to remove everything between those tags.

#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define WEBPAGE_URL ""
#define DESTINATION_FILE "/home/user/data.txt"

size_t write_data( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmeb, void *stream)
 return fwrite(ptr,size,nmeb,stream);

int main()
 int in_tag = 0;
 char * buffer;
 char c;
 long lSize;
 size_t result;

 FILE * file = fopen(DESTINATION_FILE,"w+");
 if (file==NULL) {
    fputs ("File error",stderr); 
    exit (1);

 CURL *handle = curl_easy_init();
 curl_easy_setopt(handle,CURLOPT_URL,WEBPAGE_URL); /*Using the http protocol*/
 curl_easy_setopt(handle,CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data);
 curl_easy_setopt(handle,CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, file);

  int i, nRead, fd;
    int source;
    char buf[1024];

    if((fd = open("data.txt", O_RDONLY)) == -1)
        printf("Cannot open the file");
        nRead = read(fd, buf, 1024);
        printf("Original String ");
        for(i=0; i<nRead; i++)
                printf("%c", buf[i]);

        printf("nReplaced String ");

        for(i=0; i<nRead; i++)
            if(buf[i]=='<' || buf[i]=='>'){
            buf[i]=' ';

            printf("%c", buf[i]);

 return 0;



Placing just the code that removes the contents between the ‘<‘ and ‘>’ tags (assuming that you deal with proper html, meaning that you don’t have one tag nested in the declaration of the other like <html < body> >). I am just changing a small portion of your code. I will also remove the tags from the buf variable, instead of replacing the undesired characters with intervals, because I think this will be more useful to you (correct me if I am wrong).

int idx = 0;
int opened = 0; // false
for(i=0; i<nRead; i++)
    if(buf[i]=='<') {
        opened = 1; // true
    } else if (buf[i] == '>') {
        opened = 0; // false
    } else if (!opened) {
        buf[idx++] = buf[i];
buf[idx] = '';
printf("%sn", buf);