I’m trying to install Haptic Device SDK in Ubuntu 16.04 STL (64-bit). The installation process is trivial. It is just running sudo ./install
but I get these issues
COPYING SYSTEM FILES cp: cannot stat '/home/smsh/Documents/Phantom': No such file or directory cp: cannot stat 'Omni': No such file or directory cp: cannot stat 'Drivers/openhaptics_3.4-0-developer-edition-amd64/opt/*': No such file or directory
The install file is
#!/bin/bash -e # Check if user has root privileges or running as root. if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as root" exit fi #Get location of the the script file. SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")" [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located done DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" # Print Warning echo "" echo -n "THE COMPUTER MUST REBOOT AFTER THE INSTALLATION IN ORDER FOR THE SOFTWARE TO WORK PROPERLY. PLEASE SAVE ANY OPEN FILES OTHERWISE YOU WILL LOSE UNSAVED DATA." echo "" echo "" echo "** Please make sure that you have installed the following dependencies before compiling OpenHaptics applications:" echo " - ncurses (libncurses5-dev)" echo " - freeglut (freeglut3)" echo " - build-essential" echo "" echo "" while : do echo "The software will be installed to path : /opt/OpenHaptics/Developer/3.4-0/" echo "Do you want to continue? (y/n): " read con echo "" if [ "$con" = "y" -o "$con" = "Y" ]; then #copy files to opt folder echo "COPYING SYSTEM FILES" sudo cp -R $DIR/opt/* /opt sudo cp -R $DIR/usr/lib/* /usr/lib sudo cp -R $DIR/usr/include/* /usr/include #Create symbolic links echo "" ln -sfn /usr/lib/libHD.so.3.4.0 /usr/lib/libHD.so.3.4 ln -sfn /usr/lib/libHD.so.3.4.0 /usr/lib/libHD.so ln -sfn /usr/lib/libHL.so.3.4.0 /usr/lib/libHL.so.3.4 ln -sfn /usr/lib/libHL.so.3.4.0 /usr/lib/libHL.so ln -sfn /usr/lib/libQH.so.3.4.0 /usr/lib/libQH.so.3.4 ln -sfn /usr/lib/libQH.so.3.4.0 /usr/lib/libQH.so ln -sfn /usr/lib/libQHGLUTWrapper.so.3.4.0 /usr/lib/libQHGLUTWrapper.so.3.4 ln -sfn /usr/lib/libQHGLUTWrapper.so.3.4.0 /usr/lib/libQHGLUTWrapper.so sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/OpenHaptics echo "DONE!" echo "" #Set path for OH_SDK_BASE echo -n "SETTING ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ..... " echo "export OH_SDK_BASE=/opt/OpenHaptics/Developer/3.4-0" > /etc/profile.d/openhaptics.sh echo "DONE!" echo "" echo "IMPORTANT NOTE: The following dependencies are needed to compile OpenHaptics SDK examples. Please make sure they are installed on your system. " echo "1. freeglut3-dev" echo "2. libncurses5-dev" echo "3. zlib1g-dev" echo "Please reboot the computer before using Geomagic Touch Device Driver software. " echo "Press ANY key to RESTART now or 'q' to cancel" read d if [ "$d" = "q" -o "$d" = "Q" ]; then echo "" echo "Restart aborted." echo "" echo "Please reboot the computer before using Openhaptics SDK. " echo "" break else echo ".... restarting" sudo reboot fi elif [ "$con" = "n" -o "$con" = "N" ]; then echo "Installation aborted." echo "" break else echo "Invalid key." echo "" fi done #install
I’ve installed the following tools
ncurses (libncurses5-dev) freeglut (freeglut3) build-essential
Move to a directory without spaces, tabs or newlines in the name.
sudo cp -R $DIR/opt/* /opt
is split on whitespaces, it should be quoted.
sudo cp -R "$DIR"/opt/* /opt