I have currently created a symbolic link in var/www/html/lenova/ . It is currently linked to “assets” when I execute
this is what gets displayed
assets -> ../../../assets
I need to create another link to assets in a different folder var/www/html/dell.
so end results would be
assets-> ../../../assets
when I execute
ln -s assets ../../../assets
it displays
ln: creating symbolic link `../../../assets/assets` to `assets`: File exists
How can I achieve the second symbolic link as-well? This folder needs to be shared by multiple projects
As Biffen stated, the arguments to ln
are target first, then the link name. man ln
ln [OPTION] [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME (1st form)
ln [OPTION] TARGET (2nd form)
ln [OPTION] -t DIRECTORY TARGET (4th form)
Assuming that ‘var/www/html/dell’ (the directory where you want the link) is the current working directory, you don’t even need to specify the link name as you want it to be the same as the target: ln -s ../../../assets
Although, personally I am in the habit of specifying the destination directory: ln -s ../../../assets .
If you really wanted to have the arguments in the order which you were using, you could use the -t
option: ln -s -t . ../../../assets
However, in that case you are specifying a directory, not the name of the link. To force the specifying the name of the link instead of a directory, use the -T
If you are not sure how a command works both the man
, and info
commands are available to provide information. It is not uncommon to use either an additional command window to show the man/help information while you are working, or to use job control to have the information available in the same command instance.