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Customize linux terminal PS1 variable in a function before starting a session

I often start a terminal session to servers from different tabs of my terminal. I would like to create a function that before starting the session it changes the title of the tab so that I can easily recognize which tab has which session open.

Let’s pretend here that my session is an ssh session. When I type in terminal


where fn is a function defined in ~/.bashrc:


the terminal starts the session and the title for the tab is changed ONLY AFTER the ssh session ends. I guess that this come because the session is open in the fn function, and only when the function returns is PS1 actualized. How to change the title/update the PS1 variable BEFORE the session begins?



You are correct; your local host does not display another prompt after you add TITLE to PS1 until after ssh exits. Instead, just output TITLE immediately.


Note that setting PS1 locally before running ssh has no effect on your prompt on the remote host anyway.

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