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/dev/ttyACM0: permission denied on openSUSE

I am trying to use an “Arduboy,” based on the Arduino Leonardo, with the Arduino IDE. I cannot upload the example code, however, because of the following error:


Before you mark this as a duplicate, here are all of the things I have tried

  • Adding myself to the dialout group that /dev/ttyACM0 can be modified by
  • Running chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 every time I plug in the board
  • Making this udev rule: KERNEL=="ttyACM0", MODE="0666"

None of these things worked. What did work was running it with xdg-su like so: xdg-su -c ./arduino. However, I think it’s not the best idea to run the thing as root every time. Is there anything I can do?

I am running openSUSE Tumbleweed.



The Arduino Leonardo based boards interrupt the communication with ttyACM* for a short moment (like logging in and out) during an upload. For some reason, the permissions change during this process. See the output of a repeated ls -l --full-time /dev/ttyACM0 during a failed upload:


I also use Tumbleweed. The only workaround that I currently know is to start the Arduino IDE as root.

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