please I really need help creating a docker volume.
By default, when I create a volume, its location will be /var/lib/docker/volumes/
I need to change this default location to my SSD disk, specifically /media/username/T7/docker/volumes
Please how do I make sure the docker I run will be stored in my SSD rather than the default location?
I will be using this docker run command
docker run
--publish 1848:1848
--publish 1789:1789
--name chainweb-node
--mount type=volume,source=chainweb-data,target=/data
Thank you so much. I am really loosing it here trying to work with Linux.
Provide the full path.
docker run
--publish 1848:1848
--publish 1789:1789
--name chainweb-node
--mount type=bind,source=/media/username/T7/docker/volumes,target=/data
This assumes the directory already exists on your host. Make sure to make and mount it.
Documentation on Docker Volumes:
Possible Duplicate: Creating a Docker volume at a specific location
Same answer from Docker forum:
Similar question on Unix stack exchange: