I want to replace a word in all the files inside all the sub directories, which satisfy some criteria.
Below is the elaborated situation.
I have to replace all the Word having case insensitive word like {classy, CLASSY, cLassy ,..} to word “Vintage”. Also I only need to replace it where it have a case insensitive word “insert” or “INSERT”.
So if i have 2 files having below content.
File1.txt asd asdsd INSERT asdasd classy asddsdff sdf sdff sdf CLASSY sfre asfert asdd asd insert asdgweg qwe asfer wrererw werer wewer INSERT CLassy File2.txt fhfgh asdsd insert asdasd ClASSY asddsdff dfg sdff sdf CLASSY sdgg asfert dfg asd insert asdgweg CLASSY qwe asfer wrererw werer wewer INSERT
I want to change the content of both the file as
File1.txt asd asdsd INSERT asdasd Vintage asddsdff sdf sdff sdf CLASSY sfre asfert asdd asd insert asdgweg qwe asfer wrererw werer wewer INSERT Vintage File2.txt fhfgh asdsd insert asdasd Vintage asddsdff dfg sdff sdf CLASSY sdgg asfert dfg asd insert asdgweg Vintage qwe asfer wrererw werer wewer INSERT
Below is the command I used , but it is not working fine. Can you please help me understand the issue.
find /rootFolderPath -name "*.txt" | xargs grep -i insert -exec sed -i -e 'classy/Vintage/I' -- {} +
You can use gnu-sed
with find
cd /rootFolderPath find . -name '*.txt' -exec sed -i '/binsertb/I{s/bclassyb/Vintage/gI;}' {} +
Here is what sed
command does:
: Inline editing/binsertb/I
: Search stringinsert
in a line (case insensitive forI
for word boundaries){s/bclassyb/Vintage/gI;}
: Ifinsert
is found in a line then substituteclassy
(again bis for word boundaries,
Iis for case insensitive and
g` is for global search)