Hi i have a txt file with last name and name of people, now i want do use egrep to only display the names of the people with the same last name. I have no idea how i could do this. Thanks for help my txt looks like this:
snow john snow jack miller george mcconner jenny
and the output should be:
john jack
I’ve currently tried running:
cat names.txt | cut -d " " -f 1 | awk 'seen[$]++'
…but this fails with an error:
awk: syntax error at source line 1 context is >>> seen[$] <<< awk: bailing out at source line 1
You can use a typical 2-pass approach with awk
awk 'NR == FNR {freq[$1]++; next} freq[$1]>1{print $2}' file file john jack
Reference: Effective AWK Programming