I run a local Google Cloud App Engine emulator for my PHP (runtime: php55)
app. It works, except for PHP sessions. I get the following message:
Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: user (path: Memcache)
I start the app with the following command
dev_appserver.py --php_executable_path=/usr/bin/php-cgi ./default
So I run using php-cgi. Before this I tried to run with regular php but then I got a WSOD. In a Google Group it was a suggested to use php-cgi which solved that problem for me. But now I still have this problem, that seems to be related to Memcache.
This is on Linux Mint (Ubuntu), and this problem didn’t occur on a Windows Machine where I have the same app running in the emulator.
When I install php-memcache, I cannot start the app anymore. When running the above command with php-memcache installed, I get this error:
PHPEnvironmentError: The PHP runtime cannot be run with the "Memcache" PECL extension installed
How do I solve this?
First of all, while struggling with the same problems as you, I found out here that:
dev_appserver.py is not supported with the PHP 7.2 runtime. To test your application and run it locally, you must download and install PHP 7.2 and set up a web server.
That being said, with php-cgi & java it seems to be running, with some differences, memcache extension indeed must be disabled in php.ini
, but the runtime register the Memcached
class so this should work in both dev & App Engine Env:
extension_loaded('memcached') || class_exists('Memcached')
Back to your question, I solved the session error by doing this in dev mode:
ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files'); ini_set('session.save_path', null);