We have a handful of Cisco C40s that I’m trying to automate via bash (although I’d be open to alternatives). I need to log into it, dial an IP, get back the call ID that’s returned, and then use that CallID to send a DTMF tone to the far end. I’m able to get about 90% of the way there but for some reason using SSH isn’t returning all the text that’s returned when using an interactive session.
Interactive Shell Sample:
login as: admin
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Welcome to XXX
TANDBERG Codec Release TC7.1.1.168aadf
SW Release Date: 2014-04-11
*r Login successful
xConfiguration Audio Volume: 0
** end
xCommand Dial Number: FAR_END_IP
*r DialResult (status=OK):
CallId: 73
ConferenceId: 44
** end
Non-Interactive Shell Samples
Without ssh -T
or ssh -t -t
This occurs where call-init-step1.txt contains the xConfiguration Audio Volume: 0
and xCommand Dial Number: FAR_END_IP
in addition to a bye
to hang up.
[user@controlserver C40]$ cat call-init-step1.txt | ssh admin@cisco_codec
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Welcome to XXX
TANDBERG Codec Release TC7.1.1.168aadf
SW Release Date: 2014-04-11
*r Login successful
** end
What I’m missing here is the block with
*r DialResult (status=OK):
CallId: 73
ConferenceId: 44
** end
so that I can parse it for the CallID
and then use it to send the next commands.
With ssh -T
or ssh -t -t
A few threads had suggested using ssh -T
or ssh -t -t
which in this case doesn’t seem to help, below is the output.
[user@controlserver C40]$ cat call-init-step1.txt | ssh -T admin@cisco_codec
Welcome to XXX
TANDBERG Codec Release TC7.1.1.168aadf
SW Release Date: 2014-04-11
*r Login successful
** end
[user@controlserver C40]$ cat call-init-step1.txt | ssh -t -t admin@cisco_codec
Welcome to XXX
TANDBERG Codec Release TC7.1.1.168aadf
SW Release Date: 2014-04-11
*r Login successful
** end
The Question
Any insight in how to get the missing DialResult
block would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I should also mention that ultimately the command cat call-init-step1.txt | ssh admin@cisco_codec
would get redirected to a file to be parsed further on in my script meaning it would probably look something like cat call-init-step1.txt | ssh -t -t admin@cisco_codec > results.txt
and then be parsed.
Edit 2: To frame what I’m working with the full API guide is found here
Edit 2.5: An attempt with expect
Per a suggestion from @MarkSetchell we went ahead and wrote a semi-functional expect script that looks like the following:
spawn ssh admin@cisco_codec
expect "*r Login successful"
send "xConfiguration Audio Volume: 0"
expect "OK"
send "xCommand Dial Number: FAR_END_IP"
expect "** end"
That resulted in the following:
[user@controlserver C40]$ expect expect-call
spawn ssh admin@cisco_codec
Welcome to XXX
TANDBERG Codec Release TC7.1.1.168aadf
SW Release Date: 2014-04-11
*r Login successful
xConfiguration Audio Volume: 0xCommand Dial Number: FAR_END_IPxConfiguration Audio Volume: 0xCommand Dial Number: FAR_END_IP
It seemed there were a few approaches to this, if I had to stay with bash it seemed that using a properly written except
script was going to be the way to go. That said someone on a Reddit post I’d made suggested XML. Using XML had crossed my mind but neither I nor the folks I immediately had to help me were super well versed with how to go about this but with an incredibly helpful post I was well on my way to using Python and XML.
The final product ended up looking like something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import requests
from lxml.etree import fromstring, Element, tostring
def putxml_request(xml, **kwargs):
auth=('USER', 'PASSWORD'),
def xconfiguration_request(*path, **keys_and_values):
root = Element('Configuration')
parent = root
for level in path:
current = Element(level)
parent = current
for k, v in keys_and_values.iteritems():
node = Element(k)
node.text = str(v)
xml = tostring(root, pretty_print=True)
return putxml_request(xml)
xconfiguration_request('Audio', Volume=0)
DIAL = '''
outcome = putxml_request(
DIAL, number='XXX', protocol='Sip')
callid = fromstring(outcome).xpath('//CallId')[0].text
# this gives it some time for the call to connect
outcome = putxml_request(DTMFSEND, callid=callid, dtmf='1234')
status = fromstring(outcome).xpath('//DTMFSendResult')[0].attrib['status']
if status != 'OK':
print('sent dtmf')
Ultimately I ended up scheduling this script to initiate a call (via cron) and then wrote a very similar script to hang up the call using DisconnectAll
I hope this helps someone and thanks to /u/omgdave on Reddit (who I’d offered an opportunity to respond to this with an answer but wasn’t taken up on it) for the help with this.