getting this error when trying to run a go file (which should run)
clusterCfg.ConnectTimeout undefined (type *gocql.ClusterConfig has no field or method ConnectTimeout)
- When I look at the documentation of go 1.7 I find that ClusterConfig does have a field ConnectTimeout. (go version = 1.7).
- If I go to the directory in my go path I find a directory gocql. In this directory I find a file cluster.go which contains a definition for a struct ClusterConfig which does not have ConnectTimeout only a field Timeout.
go env GOARCH="amd64" GOBIN="" GOEXE="" GOHOSTARCH="amd64" GOHOSTOS="linux" GOOS="linux" GOPATH="/home/developer/gocode" GORACE="" GOROOT="/usr/local/go" GOTOOLDIR="/usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64" CC="gcc" GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix- map=/tmp/go-build098468995=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches" CXX="g++" CGO_ENABLED="1"
{ "Dir": "/home/developer/gocode/src/", "ImportPath": "", "Name": "gocql", "Doc": "Package gocql implements a fast and robust Cassandra driver for the Go programming language.", "Target": "/home/developer/gocode/pkg/linux_amd64/", "Root": "/home/developer/gocode", "GoFiles": [ "address_translators.go", "cluster.go", "compressor.go", "conn.go", "connectionpool.go", "control.go", "debug_off.go", "doc.go", "errors.go", "events.go", "filters.go", "frame.go", "helpers.go", "host_source.go", "marshal.go", "metadata.go", "policies.go", "prepared_cache.go", "query_executor.go", "ring.go", "session.go", "token.go", "topology.go", "uuid.go" ], "IgnoredGoFiles": [ "batch_test.go", "cass1batch_test.go", "cassandra_test.go", "compressor_test.go", "conn_test.go", "debug_on.go", "errors_test.go", "events_ccm_test.go", "fuzz.go", "marshal_test.go", "session_test.go", "stress_test.go", "topology_test.go", "tuple_test.go", "udt_test.go", "uuid_test.go", "wiki_test.go" ], "Imports": [ "bufio", "bytes", "crypto/md5", "crypto/rand", "crypto/tls", "crypto/x509", "encoding/binary", "encoding/hex", "encoding/json", "errors", "fmt", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "io", "io/ioutil", "log", "math", "math/big", "math/rand", "net", "reflect", "regexp", "runtime", "sort", "strconv", "strings", "sync", "sync/atomic", "time", "unicode" ], "Deps": [ "bufio", "bytes", "container/list", "context", "crypto", "crypto/aes", "crypto/cipher", "crypto/des", "crypto/dsa", "crypto/ecdsa", "crypto/elliptic", "crypto/hmac", "crypto/md5", "crypto/rand", "crypto/rc4", "crypto/rsa", "crypto/sha1", "crypto/sha256", "crypto/sha512", "crypto/subtle", "crypto/tls", "crypto/x509", "crypto/x509/pkix", "encoding", "encoding/asn1", "encoding/base64", "encoding/binary", "encoding/hex", "encoding/json", "encoding/pem", "errors", "fmt", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "hash", "hash/crc32", "internal/nettrace", "internal/race", "internal/singleflight", "internal/syscall/unix", "io", "io/ioutil", "log", "math", "math/big", "math/rand", "net", "os", "path/filepath", "reflect", "regexp", "regexp/syntax", "runtime", "runtime/cgo", "runtime/internal/atomic", "runtime/internal/sys", "sort", "strconv", "strings", "sync", "sync/atomic", "syscall", "time", "unicode", "unicode/utf16", "unicode/utf8", "unsafe" ], "TestGoFiles": [ "address_translators_test.go", "cluster_test.go", "common_test.go", "control_test.go", "events_test.go", "filters_test.go", "frame_test.go", "framer_bench_test.go", "host_source_test.go", "metadata_test.go", "policies_test.go", "ring_test.go", "session_connect_test.go", "token_test.go" ], "TestImports": [ "bytes", "compress/gzip", "flag", "fmt", "", "", "io/ioutil", "log", "math/big", "net", "os", "sort", "strconv", "strings", "sync", "testing", "time" ] }
What have I done wrong? How can I have 2 versions of the same file? How do I fix it?
It is not an answer, but is a solution. Rather than continue trying to salvage the vm I merely got another image and proceeded from there.