I want to have my toolbar at the top of the window, not vertically expanding and I want the entry to expand horizontally. Here a code :
// g++ test2.cc `pkg-config gtkmm-3.0 --libs --cflags` -std=c++11 #include <gtkmm.h> int main( int argc, char **argv) { Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::Application > app = Gtk::Application::create( "My.ToolBar.Drive.Me.Crazy" ); /*window*/ Gtk::Window * W1 = new Gtk::Window(); W1->set_default_size(800, 600); /*box*/ Gtk::Box * X1 = new Gtk::Box( Gtk::Orientation::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ); /*toolbar*/ Gtk::Toolbar * T1 = new Gtk::Toolbar(); /*button*/ Gtk::ToolButton * B1 = new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::GO_BACK); /*button*/ Gtk::ToolButton * B2 = new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::GO_FORWARD); /*tool item for the entry*/ Gtk::ToolItem * I1 = new Gtk::ToolItem(); /*entry*/ Gtk::Entry * E1 = new Gtk::Entry(); /*button*/ Gtk::ToolButton * B3 = new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::GO_BACK); T1->append( *B1 ); T1->append( *B2 ); T1->append( *I1 ); T1->append( *B3 ); I1->add( *E1); X1->pack_start( *T1, true, true ); W1->add( *X1 ); W1->show_all(); app->run( * W1 ); delete B1; delete B2; delete B3; delete I1; delete E1; delete X1; delete W1; }
I don’t understand what is the difference between expand and fill, there are two functions, set_hexpand()
and set_vexpand()
whatever I tried (the last two hours) with these functions I always get the same result as with code above.
1.- For X1, set expand to false.
2.- Make your toolitem also expandable.
3.- Add a expander to X1.
// c++ main.cpp -std=c++11 `pkg-config gtkmm-3.0 --libs --cflags` #include <gtkmm.h> int main( int argc, char **argv) { Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::Application > app = Gtk::Application::create( "My.ToolBar.Drive.Me.Crazy" ); /*window*/ Gtk::Window * W1 = new Gtk::Window(); W1->set_border_width (10); /*box*/ Gtk::Box * X1 = new Gtk::Box( Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ); /*toolbar*/ Gtk::Toolbar * T1 = new Gtk::Toolbar(); /*button*/ Gtk::ToolButton * B1 = new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::GO_BACK); /*button*/ Gtk::ToolButton * B2 = new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::GO_FORWARD); /*tool item for the entry*/ Gtk::ToolItem * I1 = new Gtk::ToolItem(); I1->set_expand (); // true is default /*entry*/ Gtk::Entry * E1 = new Gtk::Entry(); /*button*/ Gtk::ToolButton * B3 = new Gtk::ToolButton(Gtk::Stock::GO_BACK); /* vertical expander for the window */ Gtk::Box *expander = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Box (Gtk::Orientation::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)); T1->append( *B1 ); T1->append( *B2 ); I1->add (*E1); T1->append( *I1 ); T1->append( *B3 ); X1->pack_start( *T1, false, true ); X1->pack_start( *expander, true, true ); W1->add( *X1 ); W1->show_all(); app->run( * W1 ); delete B1; delete B2; delete B3; delete I1; delete E1; delete X1; delete W1; }