I have a script taking mythtv recorded shows and encoding them in h264 using handbrake. the script is written in Perl.
My questions is how do I replace spaces and special characters with and underscore using perl?
The strings look something like this when output "Parks and Recreation - S05E01 - Ms. Knope Goes to Washington"
I would like it to look like this
Thanks in advance. I did do some googling but having found anything useful that I can implement.
Something like this might do it – notice that you might introduce duplicates if you transform strings like this.
my $input ="Parks and Recreation - S05E01 - Ms. Knope Goes to Washington";
$input =~ s/ - /_/g; # Replace all " - " with "_"
$input =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g; # Replace all non-alphanumericals with "_"
print $input;
This outputs:
Érics comment below is very relevant, here is a slightly better approach that replaces accented characters with unaccented before making substitutions:
use utf8;
use Unicode::Normalize;
my $input="La femme d'à côté";
my $result = NFD($input); # Unicode normalization Form D (NFD), canonical decomposition.
$result !~ s/[^[:ascii:]]//g; # Remove all non-ascii.
$result =~ s/ - /_/g; # Replace all " - " with "_"
$result =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g; # Replace all non-alphanumericals with _
print $result;
This variant outputs: