the below script is to unzip zip file and rename extaracted subtitles names according to tv show episodes names. and then convert them to utf-8.
here is the problem:
I want to run this script in a linux os and inside any tv show folder i want.
but I want the path in fixing function
to be detected from the folder itselt i run the python script for because it is not a constant path, there are many tv show folders.
sorry for my english
import zipfile import os import re from chardet import detect import fnmatch def find(pattern, path): result = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for name in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern): result.append(os.path.join(root, name)) return result def get_encoding_type(file): with open(file, 'rb') as f: rawdata = return detect(rawdata)['encoding'] def correctSubtitleEncoding(filename, newFilename, encoding_from, encoding_to='UTF-8'): with open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding_from) as fr: with open(newFilename, 'w', encoding=encoding_to) as fw: for line in fr: fw.write(line[:-1]+'rn') def fixing(path): oldsrtfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if '.srt' in f or '.ass' in f ] print(len(oldsrtfiles), ' old subtitles found') if len(oldsrtfiles) != 0: for oldsrt in oldsrtfiles: os.remove(f'{path}{oldsrt}') print(f'{oldsrt} removed') filename = find('*.zip', path)[0] with zipfile.ZipFile(f'{filename}',"r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(path) print('files extarcted') os.remove(f'{filename}') print("Zip File Removed!") newsrtFiles = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if '.srt' in f or '.ass' in f ] print(len(newsrtFiles), ' subtitles found') showsTitles = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if '.mkv' in f or '.avi' in f or '.mp4' in f] print(len(showsTitles), ' tv show found') pattern = r'S(d{1,2})E(d{1,2})' for show in showsTitles: SEneeded =, show).group(0) for i, sub in enumerate(newsrtFiles): if SEneeded in sub: if sub[-3:] == 'srt': newsrtFiles[i] = show.replace(show[-3:],'') os.rename(f'{path}{sub}',f'{path}{newsrtFiles[i]}') elif sub[-3:] == 'ass': subs[i] = show.replace(show[-3:],'ar.ass') forencoding = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if '.srt' in f or '.ass' in f ] for newsrtfile in forencoding: from_codec = get_encoding_type(f'{path}{newsrtfile}') print(from_codec) correctSubtitleEncoding(f'{path}{newsrtfile}', f'{path}{newsrtfile}', from_codec, encoding_to='UTF-8')
function to get the current working directory
to call this function you need to import os module
import os