I have a json data as below
{ "id": { "bioguide": "E000295", "thomas": "02283", "govtrack": 412667, "opensecrets": "N00035483", "lis": "S376" }, "bio": { "gender": "F", "birthday": "1970-07-01" }, "tooldatareports": [ { "name": "A", "tooldata": [ { "toolid": 12345, "data": [ { "time": "2021-01-01", "value": 1 }, { "time": "2021-01-02", "value": 10 }, { "time": "2021-01-03", "value": 5 } ] }, { "toolid": 12346, "data": [ { "time": "2021-01-01", "value": 10 }, { "time": "2021-01-02", "value": 100 }, { "time": "2021-01-03", "value": 50 } ] } ] } ] }
now I can use below command line to get a list containing two dict, each dict have a key “data”, value is a list,
cat data.json |jq -n --stream '[fromstream(inputs | (.[0] | index("data")) as $ix | select($ix) | .[0] |= .[$ix:])]'
I want to print each dict with a loop in shell script
My except in each loop have printed a dict, total have 2 dict
But it seems like a string
below is my shell script
array=$(cat ernst.json | jq -n --stream '[fromstream(inputs | (.[0] | index("data")) as $ix | select($ix) | .[0] |= .[$ix:])]') for d in $array do echo $d done
Does anyone have any idea?
$ jq -cn --stream '[fromstream(inputs | (.[0] | index("data")) as $ix | select($ix) | .[0] |= .[$ix:])][]' data.json | while read d; do echo "item: $d"; done item: {"data":[{"time":"2021-01-01","value":1},{"time":"2021-01-02","value":10},{"time":"2021-01-03","value":5}]} item: {"data":[{"time":"2021-01-01","value":10},{"time":"2021-01-02","value":100},{"time":"2021-01-03","value":50}]}
Note that you can get very similar output with simpler jq
jq -c '.tooldatareports[].tooldata[].data' data.json | while read d; do echo "item: $d"; done item: [{"time":"2021-01-01","value":1},{"time":"2021-01-02","value":10},{"time":"2021-01-03","value":5}] item: [{"time":"2021-01-01","value":10},{"time":"2021-01-02","value":100},{"time":"2021-01-03","value":50}]
And you can get identical output (this seems likely to be unnecessary) with:
$ jq -c '.tooldatareports[].tooldata[].data | {"data": .}' data.json | while read d; do echo "item: $d"; done item: {"data":[{"time":"2021-01-01","value":1},{"time":"2021-01-02","value":10},{"time":"2021-01-03","value":5}]} item: {"data":[{"time":"2021-01-01","value":10},{"time":"2021-01-02","value":100},{"time":"2021-01-03","value":50}]}