i have a file with a lot of IPs and each IP have an ID, like this:
"id":340,"ip":"" "id":341,"ip":"" "id":345,"ip":"" "id":346,"ip":""
Below this Ips and after these Ips the file have more information, its a output to an API call..
I need, grep
a IP and then the command shows the id, just the number. Like this:
EDIT: More information, the ip will be different every time, i need to pass the IP by argument. I cant parse the IP to the syntax X/X/X/X…
any ideas?
If you want to look up a single IP, use this:
jq ".collection|.[]|select(.ip=="").id" data.json
If you must set IP in an argument, then write a one-liner bash script like this:
jq ".collection|.[]|select(.ip=="$2").id" "$1"
And call it like this:
./script data.json