I’m pretty new to Linux and writing scripts etc. I have this task where I need to find an IP-address from a database and then grep a bunch of files with this IP and the next one to see, if they have any presence there. Currently I have to first write:
rwhois -Br
and then
grep -wl '|' /path/to/some/files
And I have to manually change the last digit from the rwhois and from the grep. I got as far as to write a simple function like this
function info () {
rhowis -Br $1
grep -w '$1|$1'
But of course I’d have to somehow increase the value of the latter input by 1. Any good advice? And a small explanation of what you changed is appreciated so I can learn from this. Thanks!
It’s simple to just increase the last digit with awk
info() {
local ip="$1"
local nextip=$(awk -F. '{ print $1 "." $2 "." $3 "." ($4+1) }' <<<"$1")
rhowis -Br "$ip"
grep -w "$ip|$nextip'
Note that this will not handle wrapping (when the last digit is 255
), but that shouldn’t be a problem if you don’t need to handle broadcast addresses.