Here is one example of one line of log:
2016-04-24 23:59:45 -1 6bd3fbb8-65ac-4d16-bf32-48659a76c499 2 +15173583107 14 +161760555935 14 de.xxxx-O2 layxxxd 0 1
I know how to group by one filed, so this is the solution:
awk '{arr[$11]+=$12} END {for (i in arr) {print i,arr[i]}}' exmaple.log
and this would be results:
xx 144 layxxxd 49.267
My question is that how can I group by two fields instead of one, first should be $11
and second is $10
? So results should change to:
layxxxd unknown 100 layxxxd de.xxxx-O2 44
how can I group by two fields instead of one, first should be
and second is$10
You can use $11 FS $10
as your key for associative array:
awk '{arr[$11 FS $10] += $12} END {for (i in arr) {print i,arr[i]}}' exmaple.log