Is it possible to make 64bit Linux loader to limit the address space of the loaded 32bit program to some upper limit?
Or to set some holes in the address space that to not be allocated by the kernel?
I mean for specific executable, not globally for all processes, neither through kernel configuration. Some code or ELF executable flags are examples of appropriate solution.
The limit should be forced for all loaded shared libraries as well.
The problem I want to fix is that my code uses the numbers above 0xc0000000 as a handle values and I want to clearly distinct between handle values and memory addresses, even when the memory addresses are allocated and returned by some third party library function.
As long as the address space in 64bit Linux is very close to 4G limit, there is no enough addressing space left for the handle values.
On the other hand 3GB or even less is far enough for all my needs.
OK, I found the answer of this question elsewhere.
The solution is to change the “personality” of your program to PER_LINUX32_3GB, using the Linux system call sys_personality.
But there is a problem. After switching to PER_LINUX32_3GB Linux kernel will not allocate space in the upper 1GB, but the already allocated space, for example the application stack, remains there.
The solution is to “restart” your program through sys_execve system call.
Here is the code where I packed everything in one:
proc ___SwitchLinuxTo3GB
cmp esp, $c0000000
jb .finish ; the system is native 32bit
; check the current personality.
mov eax, sys_personality
mov ebx, -1
int $80
; and exit if it is what intended
test eax, ADDR_LIMIT_3GB
jnz .finish ; everything is OK.
; set the needed personality
mov eax, sys_personality
mov ebx, PER_LINUX32_3GB
int $80
; and restart the process
mov eax, [esp+4] ; argument count
mov ebx, [esp+8] ; the filename of the executable.
lea ecx, [esp+8] ; the arguments list.
lea edx, [ecx+4*eax+4] ; the environment list.
mov eax, sys_execve
int $80
; if something gone wrong, it comes here and stops!