I try to read a file line by line.
File to read:
polkit|0.105 NetworkManager| GConf|3.2.5 libgnome-keyring|3.4.1 mozilla-nss|3.13.5 network-manager-applet| ...
COUNTER=1 until [ $COUNTER == '$(sed $= -n /tmp/packages-install)' ]; do FIRST[$COUNTER]=$(head -n $COUNTER /tmp/packages-install | cut -d| -f 1) version[$COUNTER]=$(head -n $COUNTER /tmp/packages-install | cut -d| -f 2) echo "${FIRST[$COUNTER]}" let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done echo "${FIRST[2]}" MYARRAY=() for ((i=1; i < ${#FIRST[@]} ; i++)); do MYARRAY=( ${MYARRAY[@]} ${FIRST[$i]} ${version[$i]} ) done Xdialog --menubox Choose 20 100 1 "${MYARRAY[@]}"
When I execute the script, this window will be opened:
(Notice how some values are repeated, and the contents don’t correctly alternate between names and versions):
I’d like to create an array with all package names and versions.
You don’t need a counter for this at all, and invoking head
twice for every single line is insanely inefficient.
array=( ) while IFS='|' read -r name version; do echo "Package $name is at version $version" >&2 array+=( "$name" "$version" ) done </tmp/packages-install
See BashFAQ #001: How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?