I need to execute the file (a.out) and at the same time, I just need specific parts of the output, not everything. which is either located between these two string [[….]] or ((…..)). and I don’t have any idea where the other text is located (there is no specific pattern) and how the output looks like?
for example: if I run the file
I will get this in the console,
[[Execution]] YES((g: 1.000000)) ((x: 5.000000)) 115940 -3080 0[[Execution]] YES((g: 50.000000))N0 NONONO 0 0 0[[Execution]] YES((g: -1.000000)) 0[[Execution]]
Instead, I want a text file that will look like:
Execution g: 1.000000 x: 5.000000 Execution g: 50.000000 Execution -1.000000 Execution
I tried the grep/sed/tr but each time I got something different. I also want to use them at the same time with executing the program
./a.out | sed |grep
Update: I tried different commands and they all gave me the same result without changing my output.
./a.out | grep -o -P '(?<=[[).*(?=s]])' ./a.out | sed -n '/[[/,/]]/p' ./a.out 2>&1 | sed -e 's/.*[[(.*)]]/1/'
It seems like because there are many [[ and ]], So it confused or it wasn’t working on all the line of output
You may use this sed
a.out | sed -En 's/.*[[(]{2}(.*)[])]{2}/1/p'
Execution g: 1.000000 x: 5.000000 Execution g: 50.000000N0 Execution g: -1.000000 Execution