#!/bin/bash SubValue() { romanvalue="${romanvalue}$2" decvalue=$(( $decvalue - $1 )) } if [ $decvalue -ge 1000 ] ; then SubValue 1000 "M" elif [ $decvalue -ge 900 ] ; then SubValue 900 "CM" elif [ $decvalue -ge 500 ] ; then SubValue 500 "D" elif [ $decvalue -ge 400 ] ; then SubValue 400 "CD" elif [ $decvalue -ge 100 ] ; then SubValue 100 "C" elif [ $decvalue -ge 90 ] ; then SubValue 90 "XC" elif [ $decvalue -ge 50 ] ; then SubValue 50 "L" elif [ $decvalue -ge 40 ] ; then SubValue 40 "XL" elif [ $decvalue -ge 10 ] ; then SubValue 10 "X" elif [ $decvalue -ge 9 ] ; then SubValue 9 "IX" elif [ $decvalue -ge 5 ] ; then SubValue 5 "V" elif [ $decvalue -ge 4 ] ; then SubValue 4 "IV" elif [ $decvalue -ge 1 ] ; then SubValue 1 "I" fi
I tried this code and it gives many errors that
dectoroma.sh: line 13: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 15: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 17: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 19: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 21: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 23: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 25: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 27: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 29: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 31: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 33: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 35: [: -ge: unary operator expected dectoroma.sh: line 37: [: -ge: unary operator expected
could anyone help me to fix this problem please.
The source of the problem reported in the question is an empty decvalue
as syme has already stated.
Considering the purpose of the script, it seems you attempted to write a recursive function. For this reason, i suggest you to follow the comment under your question by jww regarding debugging!
Moreover, you are encouraged to search for questions on recursive functions in bash on SO. There are excellent answers for factorial computations in bash.
Think about which quantities are “transported” and which are returned/compiled in the end.
If you are really stuck, you find 90% of the solution below.
#!/bin/bash romanLetters(){ local decvalue=$1 local roman declare -i decvalue if [ $decvalue -ge 1000 ]; then romanvalue="M$(romanLetters $((decvalue - 1000)))" echo $romanvalue elif [ $decvalue -ge 900 ]; then romanvalue="CM$(romanLetters $((decvalue - 900)))" echo $romanvalue # ... and so on ... fi } echo "1900: $(romanLetters 1900)"