After greping output of command i have get below result:
PAPU 0 1000 GPRS ATTACH SUCC GB 2400 2382 2333 (10) 1244 GPRS ATTACH FAIL GB 1216 1219 1252 (10) 16000 GPRS ATTACH SUCC IU 986 986 1027 (10) 16001 GPRS ATTACH FAIL IU 170 185 171 (10) 2000 PDP-C ACTIVATION SUCC GB 5356 5138 5030 (10) 2109 PDP-C ACTIVATION FAIL GB 13 15 54 (10) 17000 PDP-C ACTIVATION SUCC IU 3637 3880 3887 (10) 17001 PDP-C ACTIVATION FAIL IU 257 341 336 (10)
Now i want to export some details to database. But i tried many variants and all unsuccess. As I know to get like below result i must use ‘sed’ or ‘awk’. How i can get like below result?
PAPU_0 2400 1216 986 170 5356 13 3637 257
You can use this awk program:
awk '{ if ($6 == "") { sub(/ /, "_", $0); print $0; } else { print $6; } }'
If the sixth column is not present, it changes spaces to underscores (changing PAPU 0
to PAPU_0
), and otherwise it just prints the sixth column.