I need a linux bash script which send me an email if any results appear in searches made in the apache logs.
I have a very simple method (sentence) to look into SQL Injection attacks, which simply searches for some keywords used in SQLi. Is this:
#tail -50000 /var/vhosts/site.com/logs/access_log | egrep -i "select%20|union%20|'|1=1"
So now I would like to be able to launch it in several access_log (for each website – virtual host I have) and send me an email in case of finding results.
In a schematic way:
I have the apache access_log files, one for each virtual host:
/var/vhosts/website_1/access_log /var/vhosts/website_2/access_log etc...
And the scheme of the bash process I’m talking:
for each access_log file (one by virtual host) result = tail -50000 /var/www/vhosts/site.com/logs/access_log | egrep -i "select%20|union%20|'|1=1" if any line appear in the result then send mail(myemail@site.com, 'Warning!: Possible attack in virtual_host_i') end;
Does anyone know how to implement this script?
Thanks in advance
You have a good plan, just need to code it. Try this:
#!/bin/bash for file in $(ls /var/vhosts/*/access_log); do result="" #reset the result variable result=$(tail -50000 "${file}" | egrep -i "(select )|(union )|'|(1=1)") if [[ ! -z $result ]]; then echo "file ${file} contains suspicious lines:" echo $result # or enter your command for mailing the result # for example: # echo ${result} | mail -s ${file} youremail@site.com # check man page for your mail command! fi done