I have several files starting with the string “file” then a number (file1, file2, etc).
The content of these files is similar and looks like this
file1: $xx_ at 10.0 "$elt_(0) coordinates 636.46 1800.37 9.90" $xx_ at 10.0 "$elt_(1) coordinates 367.78 1263.63 7.90"
For each file, I want only keep the index of the element and the 2 numeric fields just after coordinates (in the same file or in another file):
0 636.46 1800.37 1 367.78 1263.63
What I tried to do is like this (but It is not correct)
find . -name "file*"|while read fname; do echo "$fname" for line in $(cat "$fname") do FS="[_() ]" print $7 "t" $10 "t" $11 > $fname done done
This is the perfect use of awk. With awk you can simply print specific words.
If the index is the line number you can use this:
cat -n ./file1 | awk '{print $1 -1 " " $7 " " $8}'
this simply prints the files with line numbers and prints the first, seventh and eighth word.
If the index is the $elt_(0)
number in parenthese you can use sed like this:
cat ./file1 | awk '{print $4 " " $7 " " $8}' | sed 's/"$elt_(//g' | sed 's/)//g' | sed 's/"//g'
1 636.46 1800.37 2 367.78 1263.63