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Loop to filter out lines from apache log files

I have several apache access files that I would like to clean up a bit before I analyze them. I am trying to use grep in the following way:

grep -v term_to_grep apache_access_log

I have several terms that I want to grep, so I am piping every grep action as follow:

grep -v term_to_grep_1 apache_access_log | grep -v term_to_grep_2 | grep -v term_to_grep_3 | grep -v term_to_grep_n > apache_access_log_cleaned

Until here my rudimentary script works as expected! But I have many apache access logs, and I don’t want to do that for every file. I have started to write a bash script but so far I couldn’t make it work. This is my try:

for logs in ./access_logs/*;
    cat $logs | grep -v term_to_grep | grep -v term_to_grep_2 | grep -v term_to_grep_3 | grep -v term_to_grep_n > $logs_clean

Could anyone point me out what I am doing wrong?



If you have a variable and you append _clean to its name, that’s a new variable, and not the value of the old one with _clean appended. To fix that, use curly braces:

$ var=file.log
$ echo "<$var>"
$ echo "<$var_clean>"
$ echo "<${var}_clean>"

Without it, your pipeline tries to redirect to the empty string, which results in an error. Note that "$file"_clean would also work.

As for your pipeline, you could combine that into a single grep command:

grep -Ev 'term_to_grep|term_to_grep_2|term_to_grep_3|term_to_grep_n' "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"

No cat needed, only a single invocation of grep.

Or you could stick all your terms into a file:

$ cat excludes

and then use the -f option:

grep -vf excludes "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"

If your terms are strings and not regular expressions, you might be able to speed this up by using -F (“fixed strings”):

grep -vFf excludes "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"

I think GNU grep checks that for you on its own, though.

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