I have a 1.txt file:
betomak@msn.com||o||0174686211||o||7880291304ca0404f4dac3dc205f1adf||o||Mario||o||Mario||o||Kawati zizipi@libero.it||o||174732943.0174732943||o||e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e||o||Tiziano||o||Tiziano||o||D'Intino frankmel@hotmail.de||o||0174844404||o||8d496ce08a7ecef4721973cb9f777307||o||Melanie||o||Melanie||o||Kiesel apoka-paris@hotmail.fr||o||0174847613||o||536c1287d2dc086030497d1b8ea7a175||o||Sihem||o||Sihem||o||Sousou sofianomovic@msn.fr||o||174902297.0174902297||o||9893ac33a018e8d37e68c66cae23040e||o||Nabile||o||Nabile||o||Nassime donaldduck@yahoo.com||o||174912161.0174912161||o||0c770713436695c18a7939ad82bc8351||o||Donald||o||Donald||o||Duck cernakova@centrum.cz||o||0174991962||o||d161dc716be5daf1649472ddf9e343e6||o||Dagmar||o||Dagmar||o||Cernakova trgsrl@tiscali.it||o||0175099675||o||d26005df3e5b416d6a39cc5bcfdef42b||o||Esmeralda||o||Esmeralda||o||Trogu catherinesou@yahoo.fr||o||0175128896||o||2e9ce84389c3e2c003fd42bae3c49d12||o||Cat||o||Cat||o||Sou ermimurati24@hotmail.com||o||0175228687||o||a7766a502e4f598c9ddb3a821bc02159||o||Anna||o||Anna||o||Beratsja cece_89@live.fr||o||0175306898||o||297642a68e4e0b79fca312ac072a9d41||o||Celine||o||Celine||o||Jacinto kendinegel39@hotmail.com||o||0175410459||o||a6565ca2bc8887cde5e0a9819d9a8ee9||o||Adem||o||Adem||o||Bulut
A 2.txt file:
9893ac33a018e8d37e68c66cae23040e:134:@a1 536c1287d2dc086030497d1b8ea7a175:~~@!:/92 8d496ce08a7ecef4721973cb9f777307:demodemo
FS for 1.txt is “||o||” and for 2.txt is “:” I want to merge two files in a single file result.txt based on the condition that the 3rd column of 1.txt must match with 1st column of 2.txt file and should be replaced by the 2nd column of 2.txt file.
The expected output will contain all the matching lines: I am showing you one of them:
I tried the script:
awk -F"||o||" 'NR==FNR{s=$0; sub(/:[^:]*$/, "", s); a[s]=$NF;next} {s = $5; for (i=6; i<=NF; ++i) s = s "," $i; if (s in a) { NF = 5; $5=a[s]; print } }' FS=: <(tr -d 'r' < 2.txt) FS="||o||" OFS="||o||" <(tr -d 'r' < 1.txt) > result.txt
But getting an empty file as the result. Any help would be highly appreciated.
If your actual Input_file(s) are same as shown sample then following awk
may help you in same.
awk -v s1="||o||" ' FNR==NR{ a[$9]=$1 s1 $5; b[$9]=$13 s1 $17 s1 $21; next } ($1 in a){ print a[$1] s1 $2 FS $3 s1 b[$1] } ' FS="|" 1.txt FS=":" 2.txt
EDIT: Since OP has changed requirement a bit so providing code as per new ask where it will create 2 files too 1 file which will have ids present in 1.txt and NOT in 2.txt and other will be vice versa of it.
awk -v s1="||o||" ' FNR==NR{ a[$9]=$1 s1 $5; b[$9]=$13 s1 $17 s1 $21; c[$9]=$0; next } ($1 in a){ val=$1; $1=""; sub(/:/,""); print a[val] s1 $0 s1 b[val]; d[val]=$0; next } { print > "NOT_present_in_2.txt" } END{ for(i in d){ delete c[i] }; for(j in c){ print j,c[j] > "NOT_present_in_1.txt" }} ' FS="|" 1.txt FS=":" OFS=":" 2.txt