I am trying to execute multiple single line commands in the background from php exec()
. My script watermarks the video and deletes the original video and rename the watermarked video to the original name. I want to run the whole code in the background. I have tried both round () and curly {} braces but failed in the end below is my code which I am trying to run in background.
(/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=10:10' video_watermarked.mp4 && rm -rf video.mp4 && mv video_watermarked.mp4 video.mp4) &
ffmpeg will automatically suspend if it doesn’t have access to standard out.
You have two choices:
nohup /usr/bin/ffmpeg ...
Will take care of the redirect for you, and place the output of ffmpeg in a file called nohup.out
Or add 2>&1>/dev/null
after the closing bracket in your argument to exec(). This will send both standard out and standard err to /dev/null.