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How tar xvfz works in cygwin?

I tried tar with xvfz and -xvfc both didn’t work in Cygwin on Windows. Here cmd tar with ‘-‘ Question : 1 . How does tar works with – or without _ ? Please suggest to execute tar -xvfz sshpass-1.0.5.tar.gz. Answer tar has 3 types of syntax (according to this ): long options (–file) short options (-f) old options (f)

Linux Framebuffer set resolution correctly

I have a RaspberryPi and want to display an image fullscreen without xserver – so write it directly to the framebuffer. No problem here. But setting it fullscreen doesn’t work. yields: So I use resulting in If I now use fbi to display an image, or just fill the framebuffer /dev/urandom >> /dev/fb0, just part of the screen is filled.

Get the PID of a process started with sudo via ssh

I need the process id of a process (here sleep 20) started remotely via SSH and sudo. date is inserted to illustrate the duration of the SSH connection. Without connection there is also no process on my remote machine, of course. On a second machine the last, complete command works fine: Any suggestion why there is this different behaviour of

Protect website files on linux hosting server

l have a website that is hosted in linux server, and my root is (/home/MyAccountName). My website allows users to upload there c++/c code, compile, and execute it. The problem is: The executed user’s program will have all the owner permissions (read – write -execute). so if the user’s code is like : system(‘cd / && rm -r MyAccountName’); when

Sed command in linux

How do I extract URL’s from a file? My file name is URL_name.txt This file has a lot of url inside. It looks like this: Here is my idea, I want to remove everything before URLs then I can remove everything after URL. How do I use sed command deal with it? The output should be Answer You

check if a file is jpeg format using shell script

I know I can use file pic.jpg to get the file type, but how do I write an if statement to check it in a shell script? E.g. (pseudo code): Answer Try (assumes Bash v3.0+, using =~, the regex-matching operator): If you want to match file’s output more closely: This will only match if the output starts with ‘JPEG’, followed

compile error in VeridisBiometricSDK_5.0_Linux sample: MatchingExample

I try to use VeridisBiometricSDK_5.0_Linux which is free Biometric library which has samples I tired to compile MatchingExample by doing exactly what the Readme file said : make MatchingExample.cpp but I have this error result: To compile use: make For example: make AsyncCaptureExample The output will be generated in the bin folder. also this is the VeridisBiometricSDK_5.0 ReadMe file: 1
