I am having issues passing responses to a bash script on a remote server over SSH.
I am writing a program in Python 3.6.5 that will SSH to a remote Linux server. On this remote Linux server there is a bash script that I am running which requires user input to fill in. For whatever reason I cannot pass a user input from my original python program over SSH and have it fill in the bash script user input questions.
from tkinter import * import SSH hostname = 'xxx' username = 'xxx' password = 'xxx' class Connect: def module(self): name = input() connection = SSH.SSH(hostname, username, password) connection.sendCommand( 'cd xx/{}/xxxxx/ && source .cshrc && ./xxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxxx'.format(path))
from paramiko import client class SSH: client = None def __init__(self, address, username, password): print("Login info sent.") print("Connecting to server.") self.client = client.SSHClient() # Create a new SSH client self.client.set_missing_host_key_policy(client.AutoAddPolicy()) self.client.connect( address, username=username, password=password, look_for_keys=False) # connect def sendCommand(self, command): print("Sending your command") # Check if connection is made previously if (self.client): stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command(command) while not stdout.channel.exit_status_ready(): # Print stdout data when available if stdout.channel.recv_ready(): # Retrieve the first 1024 bytes alldata = stdout.channel.recv(1024) while stdout.channel.recv_ready(): # Retrieve the next 1024 bytes alldata += stdout.channel.recv(1024) # Print as string with utf8 encoding print(str(alldata, "utf8")) else: print("Connection not opened.")
The final /xxxxxx
in class Connect
is the remote script that is launched.
It will open a text response awaiting a format such as
What is your name:
and I cannot seem to find a way to properly pass the response to the script from my main.py
file within the class Connect
Every way I have tried to pass name
as an argument or a variable the answer seems to just disappear (likely since it is trying to print it at the Linux prompt and not within the bash script)
I think using the read_until
function to look for the :
at the end of the question may work.
Write the input that your command needs to the stdin
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command(command) stdin.write(name + 'n') stdin.flush()
(You will of course need to propagate the name
variable from module
to sendCommand
, but I assume you know how to do that part).