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PHP Fpm process is killing my website: process is blocked with status D

After days of searching in the web, Stack Overflow, Google,. Everywhere, I can not understand what happens to PHP-fpm after hours of working normally.

Description of the problem:

I have an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS where I have installed PHP-FPM and Nginx and a small redis-server to store sessions. I have 4 websites running under PHP-fpm. All websites are good, just one of them has this problem.

PHP-FPM communicate with Nginx using sockets.

After hours working properly, suddenly PHP-FPM processes did not work and have status D when I run htop command. Here is a screenshot of the output of the htop command:


After searching in the internet, I got that status D means that process is waiting for resource.

I have added more memory for MySQL Server but nothing happens. MySQL server is fine when I execute commands from workbench or any other application.

Perhaps, it’s a memory problem?

I added memory for VPS and it now it runs with 6 GB of memory (most of memory is not used). PHP-FPM continue having status D after hours of running.

Perhaps it’s related to opened file descriptors?

I changed the number of opened files descriptor to 2097152 which is a very big number. I continue getting the same problem.

Perhaps, it’s a socket problem or Linux config problem?

I have increased the most Linux configuration parameters like this:


But I continue having the same problem. This is what I get in nginx log:


I have tried most of recommanded solutions found in the web, but without success.

I have changed these parameters in PHP-fpm.conf.


Here is PHP-fpm config of the pool:


This is my nginx site config:


Nginx Global config:


Last thing: Before 2 weeks, I was running Ubuntu 14.04 and I have upgraded my server to Ubuntu 16.04 and I have a lot of issues. But this one, I can not understand exactly the origin of this problem.

I’m using Ocache to cache code and I have increased all parameters to get more memory and website works fine and cache is never full.

I have already restarted the server a lot of times to apply configuration.

Disc: 50% full. I have a lot of space.

Note that when PHP-fpm process are blocked, I have restarted the whole service and few seconds later, I got the same problem. I did same thing for nginx and I got the same problem. The only way to make website work is to restart the whole system.

Please, any help is welcome!



After days of looking for a solution, the problem was not related to Linux inodes, not related to memory and not related to sockets…

It’s related to application code.

I use Symfony2 Framework, and for some reasons, i had changed the parameter “auto_generate_proxy_classes” to true. And i have pushed the code to production.

When auto_generate_proxy_classes is set to true, Doctrine will check all proxies classes and regenerate them each request. So when i got a lot of requests, php-fpm processes will regenerate theses classes in the same time. So process were blocked until other process finish code generation.


instead of:


Put the default Symfony2 config:

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