In Aug 2016, Microsoft’s Powershell went open-source.
However, there is no “out-gridview” option yet. The autocompletion feature shows these Out* options
PS /mnt> dir | Out Out-Default Out-File Out-Host Out-Null Out-String outocp
Note that there is no Out-Gridview
at this time. Did I overlook a feature, commandlet that can do something similar? Sometimes I’d ike to have my tabular data displayed in a sortable GUI Window (for showing something to windows users who are not used to command line windows).
My powershell
PS /mnt> $PSVersiontable Name Value ---- ----- PSVersion 6.0.0-alpha PSEdition Core PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...} BuildVersion GitCommitId v6.0.0-alpha.9 CLRVersion WSManStackVersion 3.0 PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion 1.1.0.
There is now.
Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools get-childitem | out-gridview