I have a shell script that runs a docker container on a remote server.
I’m trying to send the hostname of the remote server into the container but i just get the hostname of my local computer where i run the script.
The command looks like this in the script:
ssh $remote "docker run -h '`hostname`' -e 'VARIABLE=$SCRIPT_VAR' -e 'HOST_HOSTNAME=`hostname`' ..."
Both hostname and the environment variable host.hostname becomes the name of my local computer.
I know I can use singlequotes like this:
ssh $remote 'echo "`hostname`"'
and it will work. But then i cannot use scriptvariables like the $SCRIPT_VAR
How can i get it to evaluate on the remote server instead while also being able to use variables?
You still need to ensure that the expansion of $SCRIPT_VAR
is quoted to prevent it from being subjected to word splitting or pathname expansion.
ssh $remote 'docker run -h "$(hostname)" -e "VARIABLE='"$SCRIPT_VAR"'" -e "HOST_HOSTNAME=$(hostname)" ...'