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Python: Print next x lines from text file when hitting string

The situation is as follows:

I have a .txt file with results of several nslookups.

I want to loop tru the file and everytime it hits the string “Non-authoritative answer:” the scripts has to print the following 8 lines from that position. If it works I shoud get all the positive results in my screen :).

First I had the following code:


But that only printed “Authoritative answers can be found from:” the times it was in the .txt.

The code what I have now:


But when I run it, it prints the first result nicely to my screen but does not print the other positve results.

p.s. I am aware of socket.gethostbyname(“foobar.baz”) but first I want to solve this basic problem.

Thank you in advance!



You can use the file as an iterator, then print the next 8 lines every time you find your sentence:


Each time you use the next() function on the file object (or loop over it in a for loop), it’ll return the next line in that file, until you’ve read the last line.

Instead of the range(8) for loop, I’d actually use itertools.islice:
