I have Linux installed and Python 3.5. The program itself is made in Linux but i need to make it executable in windows. I cant see any program that can do this for python 3.5. Please give me some working option. pyinstaller, cx_freeze and py2exe dont work with 3.5
After fighting with depends for some time i got it here:
Needles to say its not starting the exe…
So problem solved.
For Python 3.5 after you install pyinstaller
via pip
you need also to install Microsoft visual C++ Redistributable package x86
2010 and 2015 to cover missing dll
-s you need. After that, when .exe
is made you need to point the PyQt5
folder. So finally my command is this:
C:Project> "C:Python35-32Scriptspyinstaller.exe" --paths C:Python32-35Libsite-packagesPyqt5Qtbin --onefile --noconsole main.pyw
This wont work without VC_Redistributable packages or even if it does it wont start afterwards, showing errors for missing dll
This will feed the .exe
only the libraries so other files (png,txt
) will still have to be in the root folder of the executable.