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Python’s daemon PPID not equal to 1

Creating daemons in Linux is quite complex issue, but it’s very well documented in daemon(7) manual. Thankfully there is python-daemon module for Python 2 and 3 that implement PEP3143, so I’m using it.

Here comes the question: when I was playing with python-daemon module I was surprised that daemon’s PPID is not 1. Why?

Simple example:


Content of test.log after 20 seconds from starting the above script (I recommend tail -f /tmp/test.log):


It turned out that process with PID 1736 is /lib/systemd/systemd:


Recently I was implementing daemons in C (on the same machine with systemd installed) and AFAIR all daemons had PPID = 1. All manuals I came across mention that daemon’s PPID is always 1.

Does systemd changed it? Does systemd process awaits for all processes – including daemons? Is it daemon’s correct behavior?

Related questions:



The short answer is: It doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that all daemons have a parent process like init that will reap children when they die, by calling wait(). Otherwise the process will become a zombie when it exits.

There’s nothing particularly special about having a parent PID of 1. The manual page you linked to says this process is PID 1 for old, SysV-style daemons, but doesn’t say so for new SystemD-style daemons. init always runs as PID 1, and traditionally it was the parent of daemons. But it doesn’t need to be so.

systemd --user manages user services. Thus, it makes sense why this process becomes your daemon’s parent process when you run it (as a user).

One must be careful when reading documentation about *nix, a platform that’s been around for decades. Things change and manuals become obsolete, or can be interpreted in the wrong context. SystemD brings major change to a lot of things about the Linux platform.
