Hi I have a file (tab sep) in terminal that has several columns as below. You can see last column has a comma in between followed by one or more characters.
1 100 Japan Na pa,cd
2 120 India Ca pa,ces
5 110 Japan Ap pa,cres
1 540 China Sn pa,cd
1 111 Nepal Le pa,b
I want to keep last column values before the comma so the file can look like
2 120 India Ca pa
5 110 Japan Ap pa
1 540 China Sn pa
1 111 Nepal Le pa
I have looked for sed but I cannot find a way to exclude them
In R you can read the file with a tab-separator and remove the values after comma.
result <- transform(read.table('file1.txt', sep = 't'), V5 = sub(',.*', '', V5))
is used assuming it is the 5th column that you want to change the value.