I am currently trying to right a shell script which will allow me to check a process is running with the correct user (root)
I assume I would first have to use ps -efl & grep for the process and if it is running with root = 1 otherwise = 0?
You can use pgrep , usually available by default in most distros:
$ pgrep -a -u root -x geany;echo $? 2794 geany tuesday.txt 0 $ pgrep -a -u root -x gean;echo $? 1
Use -x option for exact match, otherwise the process name will be considered as a pattern:
$ pgrep -a -u root gean;echo $? 2794 geany tuesday.txt 0
Return code ($?) is 0 if process found, 1 if not found.
To keep only the return code and not the process name/info (in case that process is up and running as root) you can redirect pgrep output to /dev/null :
$ pgrep -a -u root geany 1>/dev/null;echo $? 0